Saturday, June 29, 2024


Those who have followed my restaurant reviews in the past know that until I left my parents' farm for college in 1959, my idea of Italian food was opening a can of Chef Boyardee (no, that's not a joke). But college was a game-changer; since the dormitories at Kent State University didn't serve meals on Sundays back then, hungry students had to fend for themselves. Those who didn't opt for shakes and burgers at Lujan's gravitated toward The Stag bar. And that's where I had my first taste of authentic spaghetti sauce - so good it was almost a religious experience. Real pizza came a little later at the long-gone Jerry's Inn on Mason Street in Niles - which is where I learned to love icy cold beer as well, though I had to settle for the low-powered (3.2) stuff because I wasn't yet 21.

After I got married, I relocated to my husband Jack's home turf of Niles, where I swear there's an Italian restaurant on practically every corner. The U.S. Route 422 "Strip" was a gold mine of opportunity; who can forget Alberini's? Or Jimmy Chieffo's? Or El Rio or Cafe 422 (the latter is still going strong, by the way).

Along the way, I've even learned to cook a few Italian specialties, but my culinary efforts don't hold a candle to any of the wonderful area restaurants. Marino's Italian Cafe is among them - and I reviewed it in this blog way back in 2010 after visiting with a couple of friends. Happily, our move something like eight years ago to Mineral Ridge put us just several stones' throws from the restaurant, located just around the corner of State Route 46 and Mahoning Avenue in Austintown.

When we stopped in recently with that same couple to celebrate a birthday, I decided it's time for an updated review. The atmosphere is very relaxed here, with a row of booths against one wall and tables filling the rest of the room - with one exception: one wall houses the buffet stand; a lunch buffet is served Wednesday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. ($13.99) and Saturday nights ($19.99). But this was late afternoon, and once we were seated in a booth, our first request of the server wasn't for drinks, but rather whether we'd get a basket of Mama Marino's famous rolls - buttery delicious and still warm from the oven. Absolutely, she replied, eliciting smiles of anticipation all around.

Needless to say, the menu is full of Italian specialties - from appetizers like lightly fried calamari and sauteed greens (add homemade hot peppers for a small upcharge if you want) to wedding soup and caprese salad (a favorite of mine), Italian staples like calzones and pizza and ravioli (another favorite of mine), linguine with white or red clam sauce ande manicotti filled ricotta topped with tomato or Alfredo sauce. And more. Plenty more. Entree prices are quite reasonable, with a plate of basic spaghetti with marinara at $8.99 and that aforementioned linguine with clam sauce at $15.99. All prices I mention here, of course, are what we paid at the time of our visit.

On this, our "official" visit, we started with shared appetizers as is our custom. The aforementioned friends, hereafter known as Jerry and Barb (because, well, those are their names and as far as I know they have no need to remain anonymous) chose bruschetta, bread topped with red peppers, olive oil, various spices and cheese and drizzled with balsamic vinegar and chopped tomatoes and very tasty ($8.49). Also as is our custom, I opted for hot peppers in oil - less of a search for great flavor and more of a quest to check the extent to which said peppers qualify as "hot." The peppers here are quite flavorful ($7.99), but from the perspective of my cast iron stomach there's no heat to speak of, so I probably won't get them again. But I'll also note that they had too much "kick" for any of my three companions so consider the source (and yes, I ate the entire plate all by myself).

For our entrees, I got meat-filled ravioli (big surprise, huh?) with marinara sauce - no meatball - with wedding soup as a side instead of the crispy salads chosen by my three companions.  The wedding soup, for the record, is just about the tastiest I've ever had at a restaurant; better still, it arrived actually hot. I can't tell you how frustrating it is to be served a cup or bowl of lukewarm soup, which unfortunately seems to be the norm (one of these days when it arrives that way, I'm going to work up the courage to send it back to be properly heated up). I'm not sure the reasoning behind it - if it's to protect customers from burning their lips or tongues, a simple "Be careful, this is quite hot" warning from the server will suffice for me, thank you very much.

Barb chose ravioli as well, but opted for the lobster-stuffed special of the day topped with a blend of Alfredo and marinara, if I recall correctly (diners can opt for whatever sauce they want on their pasta). The sauce was absolutely delicious - she graciously shared a bite - but it was so rich I might have made it through one ravioli but not an entire plateful. Jack chose crab-stuffed whitefish - delicious also, but the fish, as is not usual for those of us who buy it at inland restaurants, was cooked a little too dead for my tastes. Jerry's birthday meal was veal marsala ($17.99). Honestly, I forgot to ask him if he liked it, but I did notice that his plate was clean when we finished up so I'll go out on a limb and assume he did.

Also worth noting is that Marino's has a wide selection of carry-out catering items to feed a crowd, such as eggplant parmesan, sausage with peppers and onions and lasagna plus that wonderful wedding soup ($15 a quart) and rolls ($7 a dozen). As I've mentioned before, we typically make restaurant stops at off hours, in large part to avoid crowds and waiting. Marino's is relatively small, though, and I've seen the parking lot with every single slot occupied on many occasions. To be on the safe side especially when you'll need four or more seats, I advise calling ahead to see if reservations are advisable. Then go. Mangia!

If you go:

Marino's Italian Cafe
5423 Mahoning Ave.
Youngstown, Ohio 44515
(330) 799-8326

Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday 11:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Friday and Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Closed Monday

Sunday, June 2, 2024


When this restaurant review blog came to a screeching halt with the shuttering of businesses at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, the next installment was to be the Post Office Pub in downtown Mineral Ridge, Ohio. In part, that was because we were delighted to find a cool place to pop in for a cold one and a munchie or two on a hot day in the place to which we relocated after what was, for one of us, at least, a lifetime of living in nearby Niles. In fact, the Pub almost qualifies for right around the corner; I often pass by on one of my morning exercise walks.

I've always said you can tell a neighborhood bar by the fact that the server puts your drinks in front of you almost before you sit down - and that's certainly true here (two Rolling Rocks, one glass and a salt shaker, if anyone cares to know). Another clue is the special parking spots for motorcycles and golf carts; in our neck of the woods, after around 6 p.m. when it's not raining (and sometimes when it is), we could use a traffic cop to keep all the carts from hot-rodding around the streets.

But I digress. For those who haven't yet been to the Pub, the decor is simple but intriguing; located in what was the U.S. Post Office in Mineral Ridge until its closing in 2011, the walls are lined with old photographs and other graphics reminiscent of the building's past life. There's the requisite partitioned-off bar section plus a couple of rows of booths, several tables of various sizes, a covered outdoor patio for dining and a rack of for-sale logo-covered tee-shirts and hats for those who are into such things. Dining is uber-casual; rolls of paper towels on the tables serve as DIY napkins, and food is served in shallow metal baking pans lined with parchment paper.

Often, we'll pop in just for a couple of the aforementioned Rolling Rocks and an appetizer or two at the bar, usually during Happy Hour (3 to 5 p.m. weekdays), when selected appetizers and drinks are offered at special prices. It's safe to say we've tried most of the appetizers and all have been quite good; we're drawn to the chicken wings - garlic parm for me and teriyaki for Jack, all flats. To be honest, they don't come from the biggest chickens in the coop, but they're meaty enough and the sauces are excellent (the price fluctuates, and sometimes they're on special; at our official visit, Jack's six wings were $10.25 including an upcharge for getting all flats). If I had my druthers, I'd prefer a little more sauce - a lack of which I've also noticed at several area eateries, for the record. Wings were meant to fly, not float, but I do like enough sauce hanging around that I can slosh a little more on a wing or two when needed.

Speaking of appetizers, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the bourbon glazed brussel sprouts. There's a story here, so bear with me: I'm more than eight decades old, and for all but about two of those years, a brussel sprout never, ever passed my lips - not even to taste (nope, not gonna, can't make me). But something made me rethink that choice, most likely the reports of how healthy they are for us mortals - a status I hope will continue for at least another decade, BTW. Since they're listed here as both an appetizer ($11.50) and available as a side, on one visit I tried them as the latter figuring I wouldn't lose much if they were awful. Now seriously, I doubt the truly healthy aspect of these babies - the sauce is almost sweet enough to throw me into sugar shock - but oh my, are they ever delicious. Jack, who still hasn't come around to my way of thinking on those sprouts, is particularly fond of the potato skins appetizer ($11.50) and pierogies ($9.50, cheddar infused with carmelized onions).

In the sandwich department, there are a number of great burgers - I'm partial to the Black & Blue, at $13.50, and the Jameson Whiskey, $14.50. All sandwiches come with fries, with other options including sweet potato fries available at a small upcharge. But the regular fries are quite good - all precisely cut into neat squared strips reminiscent of those I make at home with my aging As Seen On TV Veg-O-Matic. My other favorite 'wich is the hot sausage, the meat for which comes from almost-next-door Badurik's Butcher Block, topped with marinara, bell peppers, carmelized onions and provone on a hoagie bun ($13.50). Entrees are more limited; at the time of this writing, seven are on the menu, with only three - all variations of haddock - ever passing from either of our mouths to our stomachs. The panko haddock ($15.50) is my favorite, and the portions for all - including the fish sandwich - are generous. 

For our official visit, Jack went with his usual teriyaki wings, while I opted for the chicken tenders ($11.50 under the "handhelds" section) which I haven't before tried. Similar to those at Buffalo Wild Wings but a tad less flavorful coating, they're deliciously crunchy on the outside and (what else!) "tender" on the inside. I like mine dipped in honey mustard sauce, but that's just one of several options available. They're also huge; in fact, all I could eat was two, bringing the other three, plus most of my fries, home for lunch the next day. 

As for dessert, you're on your own; I don't recall the last time either of us has ordered something sweet to end our meal (though if you're offering a snifter of Courvoisier, let's talk). When it comes to pay-up time, do be aware that there's a 2.8% surcharge if you use a credit card. While lots of small businesses do that and I do understand the reasoning behind it, that's a bit of a downer - especially since our credit card pays a 2% cashback on restaurant purchases, making the surcharge/cashback thing pretty much a wash.

In short, the Post Office Pub is a great place to go for a meal, a few drinks and snacks after work or to watch Caitlin Clark and the rest of the Indiana Fever do their thing (hey, I was born in the state, and even if I grew up in Ohio, we native Hoosiers and the sport of basketball are forever joined at the hip). 

If you go:

Post Office Pub
3821 Main St.
Mineral Ridge OH 44440
(330) 349-0440

Open 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Friday and Saturday; Noon to 7 p.m. Sunday. Closed Monday.

Friday, May 24, 2024


For I can't even remember how many years, one of the greatest delights for both me and my husband Jack was going out to eat; a week without at least three lunch or dinner trips to a restaurant or bar was unusual. And while we've always believed food doesn't get much better than in the Mahoning and Shenango valleys, we loved sampling local restaurants when we traveled.Largely because of our love of dining out, both of us, individually and collectively, became restaurant reviewers. Whether it was for regular columns in the Youngstown-based Business Journal or this Mahoning Valley Eats & Treats blog, which I started in 2009 with a review of Margherita's Grille in Girard, Ohio, we loved telling anyone within reading distance what they could expect at area eateries. 

And then the bottom fell out. A potentially deadly virus dubbed COVID-19 made its way to the region, causing panic, countless hospitalizations and deaths even before it was officially declared a pandemic. The day before celebrations were to take place for my favorite holiday of the year, St. Patrick's Day, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine ordered the closing of all bars and restaurants to in-house patrons. Restaurants that chose to remain open could offer take-out and delivery, but going inside was not a happenin' thing. Already geared up for the next day with my green beads and flashing shamrock ring at the ready, I was devastated to say the least.

It got worse. For more than a year, I estimate, we even avoided take-out for fear of possible contamination (as senior citizens with more than a few health concerns, we're particularly vulnerable to dire consequences of contracting the virus despite being fully vaccinated). Coupled with my distaste of reheated food - to me, it becomes leftovers any time after it leaves the restaurant – I was forced to hone cooking skills I'd previously hoped would remain dormant for the rest of my natural life. Finally, we began to chance take-out once every couple of weeks, limiting ourselves to restaurants not more than 15 minutes from home so the food would still be at least warm enough to be consumed when it got here with no microwave intervention.

Now 2024 is nearing the halfway point, and we've returned to occasional inside dining - but still, almost always at "off" hours when most booths and tables are empty and rarely more often than once a week. Like other once-frequent diners, we've mourned several of our once-favorite restaurants that were lost forever to the financial devastation rooted in the pandemic. As we've made cautious returns to a handful of old favorites, we've also made some observations - most of which, alas, are less than positive. Mind you, there are many reasons for the changes, many of them understandable under the circumstances, but here’s a run-down of what we’ve experienced:

1) Too often, the quality of the food overall isn’t the same. For whatever reason (and there can be many), more than a few of our former favorite dishes just don't taste the way they did pre-COVID. Of course, there are a few happy exceptions, including the above-mentioned Margherita’s, where we have yet to encounter a “bad” meal – just the other day, in fact, we brought our daughter-in-law and her brother here to celebrate Mother’s Day and delicious meals were had by all (hint: don’t miss the blackened Ahi tuna).

2) Menu options have shrunk. Items we used to love are nowhere to be found, and we've been told they're not likely to return.

3) Prices are noticeably higher than before the pandemic across the board. Prime rib or walleye, for instance, blows our dining out budget for an entire month. Getting an appetizer before a meal is a lost art now that they cost as much or more than the entrees. 

4) "Shrinkflation" is in full bloom. Some restaurants have kept prices close to pre-pandemic levels by reducing portions, which can be an effective option (on the surface, fine with us since our appetites have diminished with age as well, but at the same time, we no longer have the benefit of bringing home tomorrow's lunch). And a surprising number of eateries have both hiked prices and cut portion sizes.

5) Service is sketchy at best. Go anywhere near a peak time, and waiting in line is the norm. Often, it's not because there's a crowd; rather, patrons are sitting in the lobby looking at one or more sections of the restaurant that are shuttered because there aren't enough servers to handle all the available tables.

6) Schedules - even those posted online - are more limited now. Lunch, for instance, has totally disappeared at several restaurants we used to haunt around the noon hour. Ditto Sundays and Mondays, when many that used to be open on those days now are closed. It's not even unusual to find restaurants closing earlier than expected without warning, or for an entire day - again usually attributed to a lack of help. So if we have our heart set on a particular eatery, we try to remember to call ahead by an hour or so to make sure the doors are open.

The bottom line? Like many other people, we've had to make cutbacks, most notably the number of times we can afford to eat out. Even in the good old days, we tended to opt for a late lunch, when prices tended to be more reasonable; these days, we even have to think twice about that; dinners out are for special occasions only.

Still, while I'm a pretty darned good cook - thanks to growing up on a farm with a mother whose fresh-from-our backyard-coop fried chicken and homemade pies were second to none - I do not enjoy cooking and am more than ready to head out as often as possible. Already, I've made a list of restaurants that opened over the last couple of years as well as several I want to revisit. Doing so, I decided, is a good-enough reason to revive my restaurant-review blog. I can't make promises for frequency, shooting at first for monthly installments.

If you have a favorite or two you'd like to see, let me know and I’ll add it to the list. My requirements are relatively simple; I prefer local, independent restaurants within Trumbull, Mahoning, Columbiana (Ohio) and Mercer (Pennsylvania) counties, but chains are not off the table. Wineries that offer food beyond snacks and appetizers not only are fair game, but welcome. Till then, happy eating!

Thursday, November 21, 2019


Almost before the entrance door has smacked my husband Jack and me in the backside, the bartender at Coaches Burger Bar in Austintown has poured our beers (Labbatt's Blue, for the record). By the time we get to our booth of choice, they're on the table. That's a testament to two things: a) the number of times we've been here and b) the attentiveness of said bartender. Either one means we're always glad we came. Cheers!

In fact, we've been coming here regularly since it opened - in 2015, I believe. It's located in the space that held another of our favorite-but-gone restaurants, Jeremiah Bullfrog's (and subsequently a couple of other restaurants that never, IMHO, stood the ghost of a chance of succeeding at this shopping mall near the corner of State Route 46 and Mahoning Avenue). Typically, we time our visits on the outskirts of the prime lunch hour - meaning somewhere around 1 p.m. - and getting a booth in our favorite bar area toward the back has never been a problem. There are also two relatively spacious dining areas with many more tables and booths - all within easy watching of the goodly number of wall-hung TV sets. The decor isn't fancy-schmancy, but it's clean, comfortable and doesn't make diners feel as if they're sardines (although it can get a little loud on a Sunday afternoon when the Browns or Steelers are playing).

Oddly, given the focus at this place, it's rare for either of us to order a burger. That's not because they're no good; rather, it's just that neither of us is a big fan of the iconic sandwich. When I succumb, I have a tough time choosing between the Peppercorn Burger (seared in a blend of black and white pepper and topped with sauteed mushrooms, onion and Swiss cheese with a sweet peppercorn aioli at $9.99), the Sideline Fire Burger (topped with pepper jack cheese, house-made hot peppers and "fire" sauce at $10.99) and the Bleu Burger (topped with bleu cheese crumbles, onion tanglers and Southwest ranch dressing at $11.99). Put my feet to the fire (so to speak) and I'll probably deem the second one my favorite, but honestly, it depends on the mood that strikes me when the server shows up to take my order. All, I hasten to add, have been exceptionally delicious.

More often, as at our most recent visit, we'll opt for one of the 10-inch specialty pizzas; our favorite is the Original
Veggie, with cheese, onions, mushrooms, green peppers and sliced tomatoes (to which we add pepperoni) at $8.99. A basic cheese version is just $6.99, and there are a few varieties that don't tempt us in the slightest (potato & greens, for instance) that are priced at $10.99. The crust is tasty and on the thinner (but not too thin), somewhat crispy side; if we get another item to share - like an appetizer or wings - there's plenty to satisfy both of us and provide a couple of slices to take home.

Amid the 14 specialty burgers (plus a build-your-own option) are a number of other sandwiches, all of which come with "Coaches signature" fries. We've sampled a few, including the Gyro ($9.99) and Crabby Patty (a homemade crab cake topped with house remoulade, lettuce, tomato and onion at $10.99) and all were delicious. When we're in sandwich mode, one of us is likely to substitute a small order of onion tanglers for the fries for an extra $2.50. The fries are very good, but how many can two people eat, for gosh sakes? I'm also a fan of the Pepper & Egg sandwich; at $6.99, it's just what it claims to be plus provolone cheese. The Gyro is quite good as well ($9.99 with fries).

One early evening visit was especially memorable, but for a rather somber reason. Our booth of choice is one of those at the back of the restaurant in the bar area, but on this visit the hostess - who of course knew of our preference - suggested that we might prefer a different location. On this day, it seems, the last Chevrolet Cruze had rolled off the assembly line at the General Motors plant in nearby Lordstown; and the bar was packed with workers who had just finished what for many would be their last-ever day at work there. Looking around at the faces - most not smiling - our first thought was regret that we hadn't brought more cash with us so we could have bought a round for the bar. 

This past summer was marked with seasonal specials like "Boom-Boom" shrimp with tasty siracha sauce (for which Jack developed a craving that brought us back here at least once a week) and a spicy crabcake. They're gone now, alas, but we're hoping both will make a comeback next summer. That aforementioned Crabby Patty is pretty good, but Jack says it doesn't quite compare to that wonderful summer version.

Often, we'll get an order of wings to share (five for $5.99 and 10 for
$11.99); our favorite is the buttery garlic parmesan. If I'm honest, I must say that the wings here are excellent but not our all-time favorites;  Gasoline Alley in Niles tops my pecking order of bird appendages (with Niki'z, also in Niles, and Little Wing Cafe in Warren rounding out my Top 3 list). But now that we've moved from our long-time home in Niles to Mineral Ridge, Coaches is much more convenient for spur-of-the-moment eating out. 

There are other tempting items on the menu, like salads, appetizers, a couple of desserts and milkshakes (several flavors at $3.99 each that you can "spike" for an additional $3.50). One of these days, I'm determined to try one - unspiked, thank you very much. Hmmm, think I'll shoot for this coming summer when I dig into those Boom-Boom shrimp once again. Pretty please?

If you go:

Coaches Burger Bar
5529 Mahoning Avenue
Austintown, Ohio 44515
(330) 330-8686

Open Monday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 11 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Other locations in Boardman, Poland, Salem and Lisbon.

Friday, March 15, 2019


It's been a while since I've posted a new review to my Dining Out blog. Truth is, we don't stray very far from home these days. Besides that, living on a relatively fixed income not only means that splurging on anything beyond a very casual restaurant doesn't happen often, but that it's rare to find us eating out anywhere unless we have a (gasp!) discount coupon. 

That doesn't mean we don't get out, though, so if I'm honest, I must chalk up most of the lack of blog additions solely to my own laziness. In fact, now that I've given it some thought, I can name at least five places we've been and enjoyed that I should have written about long before this. So now I'm psyched - and looking forward to getting back to some writing about a subject I love.

One of the places I've been wanting to go is the historic
Peter Allen Inn in Kinsman; but we simply haven't gone there for several reasons, first and foremost that not straying far from home thing - and in the middle of winter that's even more of an issue. So what got us up and out? That other thing I mentioned earlier: A BOGO lunch coupon. Our Niles friends and frequent dining-out companions Jerry and Barb spotted it in the newspaper, called to make sure we clipped it as well, and the rest is history. Barb called for a reservation (recommended here, by the way, and you can do it online if you prefer). Despite the iffy weather this time of year, when the day arrived neither rain nor snow was falling, and off we went.

I will say winter probably isn't the ideal time to see the entire place; clearly, the grounds are lovely, but everything brown and dusted with snow plus temperatures in the 30s doesn't exactly make strolling around outside a walk in the park. The inside, however, is another story - and a beautiful one at that. The whole place, including the dining areas, are somewhat reminiscent of Tara-A Country Inn in Clark, Pa., and the Spread Eagle Tavern in Hanoverton. Restored by the Richard and Rhonda Thompson Foundation, the intent is to honor the architectural importance of the house as well as the contributions of the Allen family to the field of medicine. Allen, a physician, who moved to Kinsman in 1808, helped found what would become the Ohio State Medical Society, among other accomplishments, according to online reports and the Inn's website (where I snitched the gorgeous exterior photo above as well).

No doubt the overnight rooms are gorgeous, but while we looked up the beautiful staircase, our focus on this outing was on eating. We were seated in a lovely "formal" dining area that featured butcher-block style tables, plenty of sunlight, a very intriguing chandelier and a working fireplace (quite welcome on a chilly day). Classical music playing softly in the background added an
elegant touch. Later, we peeked in at other, more intimate dining areas, including one in which guests are treated to a formal tea service (Saturdays from noon to 4 p.m.). Downstairs, we fell in love with the Tavern; it's got a more modern touch yet doesn't lose the period "feel." 

While I'm on that subject, I must note that just about anything anyone could possibly want in the alcohol department can be found here; an almost endless list of wine, beer and mixed drinks is at the ready and, at the time of our visit, featured winter drink specials with such enticing names as "Kiss from a Rose," "The Irish Maid" and "Green Fairy" (the latter made with Absinthe and egg whites and yes, we all passed on that one). Better still, prices are quite reasonable; my glass of Lindeman's Moscato cost just $6 - that's less than I've seen at some chain restaurants. Water is delivered automatically - always a plus (although I do appreciate being asked first - conservation of natural resources is important to me as well).

Our BOGO coupon applied only to entrees on the lunch menu - fine with us, since there were a number of enticing options. In the end, husband Jack decided on the knife-and-fork meatloaf sandwich, "signature" meatloaf topped with tomato sauce and fontina cheese on a toasted baguette ($10). I waffled a
bit, drooling over the candied bacon BLT ($11), but in the end I couldn't resist trying the sausage and hot pepper flatbread ($10). That's partly because instead of the regular fries, Jack substituted sweet potato fries (bless him - he knows how much I love them and I knew he'd share). Barb went for the grilled chicken salad ($11), grilled chicken breast, French fries, mixed greens with grape tomatoes, onions and cheddar cheese with her choice of bleu cheese dressing. Jerry opted for the knife-and-fork pot roast sandwich ($11), Heritage Hill chuck roast on a toasted ciabatta with melted fontina cheese and
fries. At our server's suggestion, Jack, Jerry and Barb added special soups of the day - Jack's tomato-based and theirs a cream base with funky mushrooms (yes, they really were -I peeked).

I tasted both soups and they were quite good, as were the waffle-style sweet potato fries. To be sure, they could have used some kind of dipping sauce - preferably something sweet, like maple syrup - but they stood well on their own. Ditto the seasoned "regular" fries; ketchup and/or vinegar don't come automatically, but our friends liked theirs just the way they were and commented favorably on the flavor.

Jack's sandwich was delicious, but impossible to eat in the long crusty roll without getting more of it on him than in him, so he just picked out the meatloaf, sauce, onions and peppers and left the roll. Jerry wasn't thrilled with his pot roast sandwich, saying it didn't taste like any pot roast he'd ever had. After taking a taste, I know what he meant; it had a unique flavor that was quite good, actually, but I'd never have been able to eat more than a bite or two.

Speaking of the flatbread, it was tasty but could have used a bit more sausage (the peppers weren't very hot, either, but then it's rare for me to meet a hot pepper that knocked my socks off in the heat department). But it was filling - I ate the whole thing - and I was happy to learn that the Inn gets at least some of its meats from Badurik's Butcher Block in Mineral Ridge (a shop just a few blocks from our home that I highly recommend, by the way).

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the wire basket of soft, fresh-baked rolls with honey-garlic butter; we loved those so much we ordered a second round. Truth be told, those - and the wonderful, relaxing atmosphere - were the highlight of our meal. We'll be back for sure, although next time our outing will be when the weather is nicer so we can enjoy the outdoors (and maybe take a closer look at the overnight rooms - they look beautiful in the website photos - and for sure have a drink or two in the Tavern).

If you go:

Peter Allen Inn & Event Center
8581 State St.
Kinsman, Ohio 44428
(330) 355-2100

Open Monday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 11 a.m. to 10 p.m.; and Sunday noon to 6 p.m.

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Dining out remains a special treat for my husband Jack and I, even though we don't do it as frequently nor travel as far as we used to. That means I don't get to write restaurant reviews as often as I'd like - we rarely go to a place I haven't already posted on my blog. So on a recent weekend night, we and a couple of friends decided to try a new-to-us local restaurant that might be called a reincarnation of one that for many years before its closing was highly regarded. This version 2.0 claims to have the same or similar recipes and is, by our standards, a relatively upscale place (with dinner entrees in the $13 to $18 range and wine sold mostly by the bottle). We called ahead and made reservations just to be on the safe side. Beyond that, we had high expectations for an evening to remember.

That it was, but for all the wrong reasons. When we arrived, we were seated immediately; there were just a few folks in the separate bar section and only one occupied table of four in the main dining area. Lookin' good so far, we said. But alas, from that point on, the whole experience turned into a comedy of errors. I won't name the place - mostly to protect the identity of the innocent. Rather, my intent is to point out what can, but should not, go awry (and just plain allow me to vent; almost a week later, I'm still fuming).

First, we had to move to a different location; the seats we were assigned must have been in the direct path of a heating duct - no way could we stay there without dripping sweat bullets all over our food. Sure, the hostess told us - just find a table you like. That we did; and when our server appeared and introduced herself, our first move was to confirm that it was "happy hour" - when the restaurant's website advertised half-price appetizers and discounts on alcoholic beverages. Well, not exactly, she countered - that's only if you sit in the bar area (which, for the record, was about 10 feet from our table). Would we like to move there? No, we sighed, mostly because we'd already moved once. At the same time, though, we agreed that since the deal was off limits, we'd skip appetizers and limit ourselves to just one alcoholic beverage each. Another point we agreed upon: Why wasn't that happy hour seating rule  posted where it could easily be seen as well as spelled out on the website?

As she took our orders for what would be our only round of drinks and the appetizer (yes, we caved in and got one of the least expensive to share), we realized our server was struggling to keep it together. She was totally unfamiliar with the menu and clueless about the very short list of by-the-glass wines; we actually had to point our fingers to indicate our choices. To her credit, she was very apologetic, noting - while close to tears - that she was new and being forced to run from one section of the restaurant to another to serve customers (thank goodness there weren't many, we said). Don't worry about us, we joked - we won't bite anything unless it's on our plate.

Her obvious lack of proper training became evident once again, though, when she delivered glasses of wine to the three of us who ordered it. The lucky devil who picked red? No problem. But two of us ordered different whites, and by the time she reached our table, she'd "forgotten" which was which. That forced us to take sips from both glasses to figure it out (tacky at the very least and unsanitary at worst, but then we've been friends for a long time and often sample each others' foods). It did make me wonder what on earth she would have done if we'd refused  - as most diners would have - to stick our lips on each other's glasses.

Our appetizer came fairly quickly and was excellent; we polished off at least half before realizing our server had not returned to take our dinner orders. Right about then, entrees were delivered to that only other occupied table in the room - folks who had been there when we first arrived. Within minutes, one person at that table had a problem with his entree. We couldn't hear specifically what the complaint was about, but the diner was far from a happy camper. 

At that point, we looked at each other and kicked around the possibility of paying for our appetizer and drinks and cutting our losses - our entree orders still hadn't been taken, after all - but as we waffled our server appeared (more than half an hour after we'd been seated) so we decided to stick it out. And once again, unfamiliarity reared its ugly head as she tried to find the items on the menu to write on her order pad; once again, we had to point fingers and repeat several times the names of the dishes we wanted.

Our salads arrived in fairly short order after that, and honestly, they weren't at all bad. Meantime, another group of six were seated next to us - and we watched with dismay as those folks not only ordered right away but got their entrees before we did. A diner at that table, too, voiced a complaint, making us doubt the wisdom of not leaving when we had the chance.

Then, finally, our entrees arrived (prime ribs with grilled asparagus for our two friends and linguine with clam sauce for Jack). My ravioli wasn't on the tray, though, and as she departed to get the glasses of water we'd requested at least half an hour earlier, the server told me my lasagna would be out shortly. Say what? I'd ordered ravioli. Thinking she'd simply misspoken, I sloughed it off - until she ran by the table once again and again mentioned lasagna. You mean ravioli? I nearly shouted at her back. 

The look on her face turned first to shock; but this time, she tried to argue - saying I'd pointed to the lasagna (I don't think so, but even if I did, I and everyone else at our table knew I'd spoken the word "ravioli" several times). At that point, she told me - again tearfully - that she'd ask them to make what I'd ordered. But since I like lasagna, I said I'd take it rather than chance getting what I'd ordered long after everyone else had finished eating.

Once we had our meals, I realized there was neither sprinkle cheese nor hot pepper seeds on our table; in most Italian restaurants, they're already there or the server offers to bring them. Our server, of course, was nowhere to be found, so I spotted a jar of sprinkle cheese on the empty table next to us and "stole" it - opting to forego a search for my beloved hot pepper seeds. In fairness, our friends' prime ribs were cooked to order and tasty, and our linguine and lasagna were quite good as well (although a little on the skimpy side portion-wise for the price compared to similar area restaurants).

The grilled asparagus, though, resembled long thin grass, and only the strong garlic flavor made it palatable (and then only barely). The next time the guy we guessed to be the manager wandered through our section, one of our friends attempted to ask him what kind of asparagus it was. Instead, he gave our friend the brush-off, claiming to be needed at the bar. Go, go, go, our friend responded - but please stop at our table on your way back.

Ah, but that was not to be. I watched as he took a furtive peek in our direction from the bar (remember, we were just a few feet away), then turn on his heels and head for the opposite end, where he took the back way into the kitchen never to be seen again. I must add that all four of us were appalled not only by his avoidance behavior but also by his attire. Surely, we thought, he could have picked something more appropriate than a pair of droopy cargo shorts, well-worn sneakers and a ratty baseball cap - fine for a burger joint, perhaps, but hardly what any customer we know would expect at a place like this.

Now ready to ante up, we weren't surprised to see no sign of our server (she hadn't made an appearance since bringing me the wrong entree). Finally, Jack spotted her and waved her over. She looked totally stricken until she realized all we wanted was our checks - and then the relief on her face was obvious. 

Our conclusions? Several, the first of which is the total unfairness of putting such an inexperienced and untrained server in this kind of position - a situation we lay directly at the feet of the manager and/or owner (Bar Rescue's Jon Taffer would have hung this guy out to dry). Second, the restaurant business doesn't enjoy the highest of profit margins, so satisfied customers are - or should be - a priority. If and when you make a mistake, it's imperative that you make it right - right away. At this place, making it right didn't happen for the unhappy diners at the tables next to us nor, obviously, to us. As one group left, they made it clear they won't be coming back - a sentiment we echoed as we walked out the door.

To be fair, before writing this I checked online reviews from other customers and found some wonderful comments. But I also found a goodly number whose opinions mirror ours - and that's more telling. If this place doesn't make it, I know quite a few people who won't be surprised.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Now that I'm old enough to have great-grandchildren, for the most part I've outgrown the food peccadilloes of my down-on-the-farm childhood. I now eat the crusts on bread, for instance (well, most of the time), and I no longer insist on removing the skin from a tomato before I'll eat it, as I insisted that my long-suffering mother do way back then. But still, no one would call me adventurous when it comes to food. When my husband Jack and I saw that Pho Viez, a new "Vietnamese restaurant with a twist" had replaced a Chinese eatery we frequented in Mineral Ridge, we agreed to give it a try. Probably. Someday.

That day came on a recent Saturday night, when we were joined by frequent dining-out companions Jerry and Barb. They've both somewhat experienced at eating Vietnam food, so they were up to the task (and we figured they'd be the perfect guides to help us navigate the menu). 

Good thing. When I looked it over on the restaurant's website, I was pretty much lost. I was interested in trying something new, but some of the ingredients sounded a bit off-putting. That, in turn, made me stop and think about how much food likes and dislikes are a matter of personal perspective. Growing up, you see, I thought nothing about helping mom pick the pinfeathers off a chicken she'd just killed for dinner or chowing down on her fried brains - a relative household staple. But tripe? Tofu? Pickled daikon? I have zero frame of reference for those, so my instinct was to say, no way.

In person, we found that the restaurant's interior has remained much the same, although with a freshened-up look (photos of the main dishes above the take-out order counter are much brighter, for one thing). We'd decided to eat in as long as a table was available - which it was - and a very helpful, enthusiastic young server followed us to bring menus. Silverware and napkins are already on the tables, along with a few add-in condiments like soy sauce, and the server brought our drinks in very short order.

The "twist" referred to in the restaurant's tagline, I'm assuming, refers to the fact that in addition to Vietnamese, diners can choose Thai dishes, such as Pad Thai, as well as more familiar (to us) Chinese entrees like Lo-Mein and General Tso's chicken. The specialty is Pho, a Vietnamese beef noodle soup made by simmering beef bone, flank steak, brisket daikon and herbs for hours (a meal in and of itself, priced at $9.25 to $11.95). But going in, Jack and I both reasoned that those Chinese options would serve as a fail-safe in case we chickened out on trying a Vietnamese dish. For the record, he did exactly that - opting for his old standby, sweet and sour chicken (with fried rice, which I hasten to add he never eats; we just bring it home for me to eat the next day).

The menu isn't what I'd call extensive, but rest assured there's plenty here to satisfy most diners - and certainly those who are looking for Vietnamese fare. To start, we got two orders of the spring rolls (two for $5.95) - described as vermicelli, Romaine lettuce, bean sprouts and a choice of shrimp, pork or tofu wrapped in rice paper and served with house dipping sauce. 

When they arrived, the near transparent rice paper provided a good look at the ingredients therein, and the peanut dipping sauce was a nice contrast. Now I'll be honest here: My first bite felt like I'd bitten into a shower curtain. Add that to the discovery that cucumbers were lurking inside, and let's just say I wasn't too excited about taking a second bite. But a little poking around revealed that the cucumber was cut in long strips and easy to pull out (cucumber-loving Barb snatched them up immediately), I gave it another try - and it really was quite tasty (that peanut dipping sauce is especially wonderful). 

Will I try one again? More likely I'll stick with a more traditional (to me) crispy spring roll or six-piece dumpling, fried or steamed ($4.95). Everyone else, though, raved about them, so don't hesitate to give them a try.

For our entrees, we all picked something different, with the intent of sharing a bite or two. Barb ordered Bun (rice vermicelli noodles on a bed of lettuce, herbs, bean sprouts, cucumber, carrots, peanuts, spring roll and house fish sauce, $11.95 with a choice of meat). Jerry's choice was Pad Thai (a.k.a., Mi Zao Thai Lan), this restaurant's version of the classic Asian stir-fry of rice noodles, bean sprouts, egg, ground peanuts and chives in tamarind sauce and a choice of meat ($10-$11.95). 

Fear of the unknown almost made me go with that General Tso's chicken that I know I love, but in the end the opportunity to try something different won out and I opted for the red curry, with bell peppers, carrots, bamboo shoots and onions simmered that aforementioned coconut milk. It comes with white rice (I paid a buck more for fried rice) and a choice of tofu, chicken, beef or shrimp - perhaps thinking about my mom, it was chicken for me. The cost ranges from $10 to $12.95 depending on options, but mine ended up at $11.

Let me add here that when I see "spicy" on a menu item, I always request that mine be "as spicy as you can make it." Even then, never, ever, has any dish been too hot for me to eat. This time, though, our server fought back - arguing that there's no way I'd be able to eat their hottest version. Despite my unabashed begging, we compromised; yes, he said, they'd add a little extra heat.

When our orders were delivered, right up front we all agreed on two points: The presentation is outstanding - all the items on the plates are beautifully arranged - and, as advertised, all the ingredients are as fresh as can be. Clearly, the food here is far and away above the often overcooked Chinese buffet fare with meats of suspicious origin. Not only does everything here look fantastic, but it all tastes just-cooked as well.

I also learned rather quickly that our server probably kept me from total meltdown by insisting that I really didn't want it as hot as they could make it. In fact, there was a noticeable kick to it - enough that, after Barb ventured a tiny taste, no one else in our little party would come near it. Later, the owner explained she'd used only half a spoonful of whatever infuses the heat; and although I'm sure I could have handled a whole spoonful, it's likely that next time I order this dish I'll stick with what worked this time around. And yes, it was delicious enough to order again (and I had plenty left over to take home and enjoy the next day).

Conclusion? With no reservations, we'd say we were impressed. And here's another impressive note: Barb told us they'd eaten at a Vietnamese restaurant in Chicago not long ago, and Pho Viez compares quite well. No surprise here - it just underscores my reason for starting this blog years ago: When it comes to great food, anything you can find anywhere else in the country you can find just as good - and often better - right here at home.

If you go:

Pho Viez
3971 S. Main St.
Mineral Ridge, OH 44440
(330) 349-0889

Open Tuesday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.; closed Sunday and Monday.